Replace Your Missing Teeth With Dental Bridges Chicago IL

Our entire teeth play a substantial role in maintaining proper alignment of the teeth and speaking correctly. Our teeth also help to chew food properly. Losing a tooth can disrupt our chewing ability, speaking ability, and tooth alignment. Hence teeth replacement options such as dental bridges should be considered if you lose a tooth.


Dental Bridge Options

Dental bridges are a popular dental restoration method for replacing one or more missing teeth. Usually, in dental bridges, you can see a tooth in the middle and two teeth that support the middle tooth on either side. The two supporting teeth are placed on top of a natural tooth so that it is capable of providing enhanced support for the tooth in the middle of the bridge. One of the most significant advantages of dental bridges is their perfect resemblance to natural teeth. People will hardly be able to notice that you have got dental bridges!

How do fixed bridges differ from removable bridges?

A dental bridge fills in the gap left by your missing teeth. A dental professional is required for removing a fixed bridge, whereas removable bridges can be removed and cleaned by yourself. Compared to removable bridges, fixed bridges offer enhanced stability.

Why do I need a Bridge?

Based on the following scenarios, your dentist may recommend dental bridges as a tooth replacement solution.

  • You cannot smile due to your missing teeth, and you want to restore your smile by replacing your missing teeth.
  • You are undergoing severe toothache, which could be signs of gum disease or tooth decay. Your nearest dentist will suggest tooth extraction and tooth replacement options such as dentures, bridges, crowns, or dental implants in such scenarios. As a replacement, you can choose dental bridges in Chicago, IL.
  • If you have a loose tooth, then it could be a sign that you require a dental bridge for the future.

How is a Bridge Attached At InSmyle Dental?

  • A dentist will check your tolerance levels and may administer sedation.
  • The second step involves preparing either side of the gap by reshaping it. It is done so that the bridge can adequately fit into the abutment. 
  • The dentist will then take impressions of both the abutment and cavity. Depending on the requirements mentioned, the impressions will then be sent to a laboratory to prepare dental bridges.
  • The dental bridge will be then placed onto the mouth during the next appointment. However, the dentist may recommend dental implants if sufficient abutment teeth cannot support the bridge.

Why InSmyle Dental For Dental Bridges?

InSmyle Dental has years of experience performing dental procedures, including dental restoration treatments such as dental bridges in Chicago, IL. We are one of the highest-rated dental clinics in Chicago, IL, and have some of the most experienced dentists and friendly staff. Your comfort, convenience, and satisfaction are our topmost priorities. Schedule your appointment today!

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