Braces help move your teeth to the proper position by applying constant but gentle pressure over time. The braces constantly work to provide the best results for the patient who has opted for this orthodontic treatment. There are many types of braces available. Some are made of metal, whereas some are ceramic and plastic. But all types of braces have a sole purpose. It is to align the misaligned teeth and jaws for improved oral health and aesthetic appeal.


Metal Braces

Metal braces are one of the most common types of braces that are popular among children and teens. It is now smaller in size and is more convenient than ever before. There are two main components within traditional metal braces. They are brackets and archwire. The brackets will be placed on each tooth, whereas archwires are threaded through these metal brackets. Depending on the pressure applied by the wires onto one side of the tooth, the jawbone on the opposite side gives way to shift the tooth and a new bone growing behind it. Elastics or rubber bands are used in conjunction with the braces, thereby applying a constant force for the movement of teeth. Elastics must be worn throughout the day, and it needs to be changed every day to maintain the proper force.

Dental Braces in Chicago, IL - InSmyle Dental - Dentist Chicago
Clear Dental Braces in Chicago, IL - InSmyle Dental - Dentist Chicago

Clear Braces

Clear braces have become one of the most sought-after braces among adults and teens. It is one of the bes t alternatives to metal braces. At our dental office in Chicago, we provide both Invisalign clear braces that give an invisible look and clear ceramic braces that use tooth-colored ceramic brackets and wires. 

If you are on the look to improve your smile, schedule a virtual consultation with us, and we will provide you with information about what we offer!

The virtual consultations will help you communicate with our dental professionals, including detailed information about the treatment times and estimated costs. However, the virtual consultations will be able to provide only rough estimates, and an in-person evaluation will be required to finalize the treatment plan.

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